Ya podeis escuchar el primer single/You can listen our firs single
Posted by NYMD | Posted in Songs | Posted on 11:54
Bueno pues por fin podeis escuchar nuestro primer single "At least all the world means nothing"
Podreis hacerlo en nuestro myspace: www.myspace.com/nyminingdisaster o en purevolume: http://www.purevolume.com/NewYorkMiningDisaster
Y si deseais tener el tema solo teneis que poneros en contacto con el grupo en nuestro mail: newyorkminingdisaster@hotmail.com
Well, at last you can listen to our first single "At least, all the world means nothing". You can do it on www.myspace.com/nyminingdisaster or on http//:www.purevolume.com/newyorkminingdisaster .And, if you wish to get the track, ask for it on our e-mail: newyorkminingdisaster@hotmail.com
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